Remington 742 Serial Numbers Date


Remington Serial Numbers. Barrel date codes are here at the Remington Society, along with a good diagram of how to read them. Good job JimH.

Scott for opting Dubai as the host venue for MEMORIAD 2020 and also selecting me as the Chairperson for the same. I take this opportunity to thank the MEMORIAD team, Mr. Uchebnik slesarya santehnika dlya prof uchilisch. Ralph and Mr.

• 2100 Answers SOURCE: The serial number does not reflect the date of manufactuer, but there are letters stamped in the side of the barrel at the reciever, on the left side, they are a date code, I will give you an app, If there are more than a couple letters and numbers, it has been reworked by the factory. But none of mine have. M=1921,,,z=1931,,, and all the letters in between there except for o and q are the years, then it starts again at A=1932, and goes to L=1942, then,,,MM=1942,,,NN=1944,,,etc to ZZ=1953,,,then it stats with A again,,through Z= 1975 and after that it a random of letters I,O, Q and V, to 1979, then A, again, to Z=2005, then it starts again. Hope this helps. Posted on Mar 03, 2010. • 1558 Answers SOURCE: Introduction Year:1909 Year Discontinued:1936 Remingtons manufactured between 1921 and 1972 have a code located on the left side of the barrel near the frame that identifies the year and month of manufacture. If yours is between 1921 and 1936, it should have two letters, one for month, and one for year.

If it doesn't have this code, it was made between 1909 and 1920. REMINGTON Customer Service (1-800-243-9700 & follow the prompts) will look up your serial number and verify the age of your firearm. Just to give some scope, serial number 757132 was 1929, about 569578 after yours. Posted on Feb 20, 2014.

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To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. • Come on over and join in on the Trade at • VS are restricted to listing their ads to the S&S section or their VS sections. Ads listed in discussion areas are prohibited. Cabazeaverde or however it's spelled----Not all Remingtons are coded this way,but many models will have a date code on the left side of the barrel at the frame. This code will start with one of the following letters BLACKPOWDERX those 12 letters represent the month.

For example L is the 2nd letter and would be February. Following this letter will be either one more or two more letters. This/these will represent the year. You have to then go to the chart to ascertain what year it was---there is no rhyme or reason to be able to remember the year--have to look it up.


The 740 was only made 1955-1960 so it is pretty easy--1955 was a B and it goes up a letter each year thus ending with G for 1960. Placing a date on when a rifle was made has not much to do of when they are sold. I saw a 740 back in 1963,.280 Rem. The 742 came out about that time.

The 740's still not sold probably got salted away by the wholesalers and doled out by the jobbers as a bonus to their better shops. So if the 740 stopped production in 1960 there were a few still being sold as new 10 years later. I have seen new in the box pre-64 Winchesters sold in the 1980's sold as new, I worked in a real gun full service gun shop for 25 years, 1975-2000. Stephen Perry Angeles BR.